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We, at The Global Avenues, help you to choose a career path that will enable you to discover your dreams.


As the education sector is rapidly growing with a boom in different career avenues, we help our customers to shape their future and help them taste the right kind of success.


Our team of experts will help you to explore careers and majors to identify a career that would meet your requirements by choosing the career assessment tools.

Classmates in the Library

Our main focus is to identify the skills and interests of our customers and then choose a broad field to work in, based on their strengths and goals.

We at TGA believe "It's important to choose the job you love, so the journey is smooth and enjoyable ahead".

We offer and promote career counseling sessions to our customers and facilitate them to connect with the professionals and mentors.

Taking an opportunity from idea to reality requires time and resources. Our team of experts helps you to overcome this hurdle by helping you to do career assessment, providing you a list of career opportunities that would improve your knowledge of career options, encourage you to develop and work toward goals and making an action plan.

Male Student
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